What is the coolest gift that you ever gave to someone else?
How would you describe the litmus test that Paul defines for spiritual powers?
What are some spiritual influences you see in your everyday life?
How can you discern if those forces are from God, yourself, the world, or from the enemy?
Why would God be so intent to give these particular gifts to his church?
Why would Paul discuss these particular gifts with the
Which of these or other gifts do you see present in your life?
How could you go about practicing these gifts in our Context Group? In our church?
Based on our medical knowledge, how is the local church similar to a human body?
Why is it so important to Jesus (and Paul) that the church function as a unified body?
Why is this truth particularly vital for the church in
What obstacles tend to keep you from being united together with those in your local church?
Why is unity in the church such a difficult goal to obtain?
What steps can you take this week to increase the reality of church unity?