Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Fresh and Excitingly New Way of Living

A fresh and excitingly new way of living
Colossians 3: 12 – 17

What is your absolutely favorite song of all time and why do you like it so much?

Describe the virtues that God expects to be in our lives as a reflection of Jesus’ new life in us.

Why is it so vital that these kinds of things are reflected in our daily lives?

Why are these things so frequently absent from lives that claim to be devoted to Jesus?

Rate these virtues on a scale of 1 to 10. How likely are you to demonstrate each particular virtue in your everyday life?

What steps have you taken to allow these kinds of attitudes and behaviors to be reflected in your life?

What steps could you take this week to further allow these patterns of the new life to break through?

What would you look for in a person who could help to hold you accountable for growth in these areas?

How in the world is singing related to behavior that is being changed by Jesus’ message and teaching?

In what ways do you see the word of Jesus leaking out in your words and actions?

Why is important that we encourage one another in our spiritual journeys?

What is something that you could do this week to encourage another disciple in their walk?

Pull out the guitar and sing a couple of encouraging spiritual songs.

What percentage of your actions on a daily basis would you be comfortable to which to sign Jesus’ name?

Why does Paul use this as his summary statement for this ethical section of the letter?

How could you remind yourself during the day to run your actions and words through this filter?

Memorize verse 16 and meditate on it for one hour this week. Review the verses you have memorized previously.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Rotten Things That Should Be Thrown Away

Something that is worth talking about
Colossians 1: 1 – 8

What is the best subject heading you have ever received for an email?

Based on these verses, how would you describe the relationship between the Colossians and Paul?

Why is Paul so concerned about the spiritual health of a people he has never met personally?

What are some ways this week you could encourage fellow disciples you have never met?

How does Paul describe the good news about Jesus in this text?

What is it about the good news about Jesus that is so incredibly exciting to Paul?

Describe Paul’s relationship with God based on this text.

What needs to change in your life for you to exhibit this kind of enthusiasm about Jesus and his message?

What impact are Jesus and his message having upon the Colossian people?

How is this good news able to impact these folks so deeply?

What impact are Jesus and his message having upon your everyday life?

How would it feel to be part of a community so sold-out to Jesus and his ways?

What steps could you take to be more open to surrendering to his good news?

Memorize verse 5 tonight and spend an hour meditating on this verse this week.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Focusing Our Minds on the Real Home of Our Souls

Focusing our minds on the real home of our souls
Colossians 3: 1 – 4

Which do you like better (and why): a sunset, a star-lit sky, an air show, or fireworks?

In what way have followers of Jesus been “raised” with Jesus?

Why does Paul use the resurrection as his ground for the concept of a transformed Christian life?

How has Jesus’ resurrection begun to make things new in your life?

What are the earthly things that Paul is saying we should not make the focus of our minds?

What are the heavenly things that Paul is insisting should be our focus.

Why does he argue for this change in perspective?

What earthly things are most distracting to you in your spiritual journey?

What does Paul argue is the absolute focal point of the things that are above?

What thoughts or values or attitudes do you have that makes focusing on Jesus’ reign in heaven difficult?

In a practical sense, how can we experience this change in perspective?

In what ways have disciples metaphorically or spiritually died with Jesus?

What does it mean for our lives to be hidden in Jesus?

Why is the return of Jesus something for which every disciple should be longing?

How should these truths change the way that we view our lives?

Memorize the passage and mediate on it for one hour this week.

Be sure to review this week the other verses you have memorized as well.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Habits That Can Distract You From What Is Most Important

Habits that can distract you from what is most important
Colossians 2: 16 – 23

What are some habits that you have established in your life?

Describe the false teaching that Paul is combating in this region based on his statements in tonight’s passage.

What kinds of things do those who support this false teaching use to judge others?

Based on our evidence, how would you describe the character of those who are doing this judging?

What are some standards that you use to judge other people that do not line up with the gospel of Jesus?

How can we go about becoming less judgmental people?

What is it about the teaching of these false teachers that is so incredibly false?

Why are the rituals that are being described in this text considered to be of no spiritual value for a disciple?

Why is Paul so terribly concerned that the Colossians disregard the warnings these folks are giving?

What are some spiritually neutral habits that our culture has elevated to the point of religious observance?

Which of these are most distracting to you in your spiritual journey?

How can we distinguish between changes that are vital in our lives to reflect our faith and those that are optional?

How do we effectively differentiate between practicing healthy spiritual discipline, harmless everyday practices, and unhealthy ritual habits?

What is Jesus’ relationship to those who are sincere disciple’s according to this text?

According to Paul, how does a person demonstrate that they are not plugged into Jesus?

How can we make sure we are connected to Jesus in the advice that we give to other disciples?

Memorize verse 17 and meditate on it for one hour this week.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Surprisingly Absolute Spiritual Revolution

A surprisingly absolute spiritual revolution
Colossians 2: 9 – 15

When is a time in your life that you got into some trouble with the law?

Describe the person of Jesus as he is portrayed in this passage.

Why does Paul keep spending time dwelling upon these theological truths about Jesus?

What has Paul added to our knowledge about Jesus in this text from what he has already told us?

What could you do this week that would help you to learn more about Jesus?

What impact does the death of Jesus have upon our lives and the world according to this text?

How does Jesus’ death make the things that Paul is describing possible for us?

Why does Paul seem to be so fixated on Jesus’ death on the cross?

How open are you to more deeply embracing the free gift that Jesus offered by his death?

How does Paul describe the lives of the Colossians prior to their acceptance of the gospel?

Describe the change that they experience in their lives because of Jesus’ spiritual revolution.

Why does Jesus’ death have this kind of enormous effect on upon them?

According to this passage, what is our part in receiving the free gift of the gospel?

How does your life need to change because of what Jesus has done for you?

How does the reality of what Jesus has done for us impact your emotions towards God?

What can you do to demonstrate your thankfulness to him this week for what Jesus has done?

Memorize verse 13 and meditate upon it for one hour this week.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Something thats worth a complete change of life

Who is your worst enemy in the whole world, and why are they your enemy?

What makes a person an enemy of God according to this text?

Why does sin create this kind of rift in a relationship with God?

What are some ways that you have acted like God’s enemy this past week?

Why is it so easy for us to lapse into those kinds of negative behaviors?

According to this text what has God done in order to bring this church back into right relationship with God?

How does the death of Jesus on the cross deal with the problem of our evil behavior?

What are some changes that God desires to make in your attitudes, values, and actions based on what Jesus’ death?

What role do we play as individuals in this relationship with God?

Why are we expected to continue trusting him in order to experience this relationship with him?

What are some practical steps that a person can take to stand firm in their belief in a world that is full doubt, skepticism, and cynicism?

What does it mean to be a person who is a servant of the good news of Jesus?

Why does Paul wear that title like a badge of honor when talking with this and other churches?

How could you function more as a servant of the good news of Jesus this week among your friends?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Discovering things that are worth more than money

Luke 16: 13, 16 – 17

Make a list of 10 things that have more value to you personally than cash.

Memorize verse 13.
If a person has two equal bosses what is likely to happen in their career?
What are some ways that money can act like a master in a person's life?
What are some steps a person can take to ensure finances are not gaining too much of a hold on their values and motives?
How have financial concerns cracked the whip in your life recently?
What are you going to do this week to gain the kind of freedom Jesus is discussing in this text.

Read verses 16 – 17.
Describe Jesus' view of history as he describes it in this passage.
What does Jesus consider to be his role in this tale of salvation history?
What is Jesus' view towards the Old Testament Scriptures?
Why does Jesus have such a high view of the Old Testament?
How should your view of the Scriptures change based on Jesus' endorsement?

Why does God demand such absolute loyalty towards him and his Kingdom?
What does God's law say about the place financial resources should have in our lives?
What role should God's law play in the life of a disciple of Jesus?

Setting the Correct Priorities in Life

Setting the correct priorities in life
Luke 14: 5, 16 - 23, 26 - 27, 34 – 35

Based upon your bills and your calendar, what are your most significant priorities?

Memorize verse 5.
Describe the context of this verse in Luke's recounting of the gospel story.
Based on this verse what is Jesus' perspective on the Sabbath day?
What kinds of exceptions would Jesus make in our contemporary society for breaking a day of rest?
What is your day of rest? How closely do you protect having that time?

Read verses 16 – 23.
Trace your range of emotions as you are the servant trying to invite people to this particular party.
Into what categories would you place the different excuses that the invited guests give to the servant.
What would you assume is the real reason that they are not going to this banquet?
Why does the master choose to fill his party with the riffraff from the city streets and the highway rest-stops?
What excuses do you give in your daily life to avoid spending quality time with God?
How can a person become more likely to include devotional time in their lives?

Read verses 26 – 27.
What argument might you give to avoid having to live out Jesus' teaching here?
What does Jesus mean by his hyperbolic statement that we are to hate our loved ones?
What stigma would carrying an execution implement have for people during Jesus' time?
What does it really mean to carry a cross in following Jesus?
What are some ways that following Jesus has broken you and your family?
How can we become more open to the severe kind of love Jesus brings into our lives?

Read verses 34 – 35.
What are some of the many uses for salt that makes it such a valuable commodity?
How does salt go about losing its salty qualities?
How is salt an accurate illustration of the lives of followers of Jesus?
What are some ways that God wants to use you to season and preserve this community?
What are some things that threaten to mix into your life and neutralize your effectiveness as a representative of Jesus?
How does a person go about keeping their lives pure in a messy world?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Overcoming our fear of commitment

Luke 12: 2 - 12, 22 - 31, 33 - 34, 39 - 40, 42 - 46, 51 - 53, 57 – 59

What would you say are the most important changes that need to happen in this city?

Read verses 2 – 12.
Why does Jesus start this talk by reminding people that their hidden thoughts will be brought to light?
What does it mean to fear God? What is it about God that makes him worthy of our trust and respect?
Describe the kind of loyalty that God expects from his people.
Why is it considered high treason to speak against the Holy Spirit.
When are some times that you tend to be disloyal to God?
How can you develop a better attitude towards God in your life?

Read verses 22 – 34.
Describe Jesus' over-all perspective on material possessions.
Why is it ridiculous for a Jesus-follower to worry about their needs?
Why is it so likely that we do exactly that every day?
What are some activities that Jesus would argue help to cure materialism.
Why is generosity in general such a powerful tool against valuing things too highly?
What is a worry that you need to entrust to God tonight?
What is an asset that you need to share with someone else this week?

Read verses 39 – 46.
How does the reality of an immanent return of Jesus effect the everyday lives of those who are his disciples?
Based on this passage what does it mean to be ready for Jesus' return?
How does your life need to change to be prepared for his arrival?

Why might some scholars consider some verses in this sermon as editorial comments by Luke? Why does that not change the way we view those verses?

Read verses 51 – 53 and 57 – 59.
Is Jesus a divisive or uniting character? Why is he at peace with causing confrontation?
How have you seen Jesus create tensions in your relationships?
Why are we so uncomfortable with that kind of tension?
Contrast Jesus' teaching in verse 57 – 59 with his tone in 51 – 53.
Why does he encourage us to resolve our personal conflicts through plea bargains?
What is the difference between personal conflicts and conflicts based on the Kingdom?
What is a personal conflict that you need to resolve this week?

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Recognizing the Spiritual Sickness of Religiosity

Luke 11

What is usually your first clue that you are about to get seriously ill?

Read verses 11: 2 – 4. How would you describe the prayer that Jesus teaches his disciples?

For each element of the prayer, why does he have his disciples pray that way?

How does your prayer life need to change based upon the example Jesus gives?

Pray the Lord's prayer together as a group to help memorize the example.

Read verses 9 – 13. How do Jesus' promises in this passage make you feel as you hear them?

What is the scope of the promises that Jesus makes?

Why does Jesus use a relationship with a parent to illustrate our relationship with God?

How should the perspective this text gives alter your prayer experience this week?

Read verses 14 – 21. Imagine you are the mute man who has his demon removed. How does it feel the instant you realize that you are free?

Why does Jesus exorcise people as a part of his ministry?

Why does some of the crowd react in a negative way to this gracious act?

Trace Jesus' argument with them. What does his argument teach us about the spiritual world?

What is an area in your life in which you need to experience spiritual freedom?

Read verses 24 – 26. Explain the spiritual world as described by this passage.

If evil spirits have a tendency of returning to a re-organized heart, how does a person make sure they stay away?

What is a bad habit that you find has a way of returning to your life over and over again?

How can you get freedom from this stronghold?

Read verses 29 – 32. Why are people asking for a sign from Jesus?

Why does this request frustrate Jesus so deeply?

Why does Jesus argue that two Gentile examples are facing a better time at judgment than his own generation will?

What is the sign that we have that Jesus really is who he claims to be?

What are you going to do tonight to show that you accept his sign?

Read verses 33 – 36. What is the light that Jesus is referring to in this parable?

Compare and contrast how good spiritual eyes and bad spiritual eyes function in life?

Why is it so important to have good spiritual eyes?

How does a person go about acquiring good spiritual eyes?

Read verses 39 – 43 and 46 – 52. Why might some scholars argue that Luke added verse 41 as an editorial note?

Even if he did, does that really change the way we look at that verse?

Compare and contrast Jesus' teaching and the religious leaders view of cleanliness.

Why does Jesus focus on internal cleanliness?

What cleaning does your heart need?

Describe some of Jesus' criticisms of the lifestyle of the religious leaders.

What would you say is the primary issue between Jesus and the religious leaders?

What woe might Jesus say to you if you were one of the religious leaders?

Why is it particularly bad to prevent others from involvement in God's kingdom?

What are some ways that your tendencies are violently opposed to God's kingdom?

How do you tend to make it difficult for others to experience God's design?

What is the process you will go through to change when you discover these patterns in your life?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Correctly sharing spiritual truth with others

Luke 10: 2 – 16

What is your favorite source for national and international news?

What makes you value that source over other potential sources?

Imagine you were an ancient agricultural worker. How would it feel to have a harvest that was ready to be acquired without the workforce to accomplish the task?

Why does Jesus ask them to pray for more harvesters and then immediately send them out on the dangerous journey of harvesting themselves?

What factors make the harvesting of souls dangerous work?

What is it about this dangerous catch that makes it worth it to Jesus to risk his disciples’ safety?

What are some of the risks that you take to share the gospel with your co-workers and friends?

How can we discern when is the appropriate time to take the risk of connecting words with our actions?

Describe Jesus’ instructions for these new messengers as the go out on their mission.

Why does it seem that Jesus is stacking the deck against their success?

Why does he tell them to rely upon the hospitality of others?

What kinds of actions are they specifically to do in their ministry to these towns?

How might these instructions be applied to our ministry to our friends and neighbors?

How does someone develop a humble enough attitude to accept hospitality?

Share with me specifically the message that God has called us to tell our friends?

How would you describe the tone of Jesus’ discourse in verses 13 – 16?

What is it about these towns that cause Jesus to lament so deeply?

What does his lament tell us about the gravity of accepting or rejecting the gospel message?

How does a person determine when they are to move on to ministering to a different group, block, or neighborhood?

How hospitable is your heart to the message of Jesus?

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Reacting to people who are complete jerks

Luke 6: 20—23, 27—45, 47—49

How do you go about recognizing a jerk when you see one?

Read verses 20 – 23. Describe the kind of person who according to Jesus is living a happy life.

How does this perspective of blessedness contrast with our usual way of defining happiness?

What would be Jesus’ reasoning for arguing that those kind of people are blessed?

How well do you relate to the blessed people Jesus describes in this passage?

What are some ways that you are poor, or hunger, or weep, or are excluded?

How do you tend to react when you realize you are in such a negative situation?

How does this text help you see your life from a different angle?

How should you react when you identify yourself as someone Jesus mentions in this passage?

Read verses 27 – 45.
What are some categories into which you might place Jesus’ teachings in this passage?

In general, how would you describe Jesus’ expectation on how we should treat other people?

What reasons does Jesus give us for his demand for us to treat others that way?

Which of Jesus’ teachings in this text do you find most difficult to practically apply?

Which of these teachings do you find most personally appealing?

Reading this text, in what way are you most convicted in your personal life?

Spend some time right now praying and asking Jesus to help you gain victory in that area.

Read verses 47 – 49. What metaphor does Jesus use to describe the different responses people have to his teaching?

How is this metaphor particularly apropos when discussing life teaching in his setting?

Why is Jesus so confident about the practical impact of his teachings in people’s lives?

In what ways is your life founded upon the rock of Jesus’ teaching?

In what ways is your life built upon your own presuppositions?

How have you seen the truth of Jesus’ metaphor demonstrated in your own personal experience?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Avoiding Spiritual Punishment

[Click on title for MPEG of related message]
Luke 3: 7 – 9, 16 – 17

What is the most creative means of discipline your parents ever used upon you?

Read verses 7 – 9.
Imagine you are approaching John the Baptist teaching out in the desert. What emotions are you coping with as you draw close to the crowd that has gathered? How does it feel to be visiting this crazy guy out in the sticks?

Describe John’s overall style of teaching? Why is he so intensely harsh with those who have come so far? What is something in your life that is nauseating to God? What are you going to do this week to remove that from your life?

In what do John’s hearers seem to be placing their hope for a better future?
Delineate the argument John uses to prove that their hopes are misplaced.
In what do people trust today rather than putting their faith in God?

Define the metaphor that John uses to describe the consequences of a faithless life.
How is that a particularly appropriate image in his particular setting?
What would be some modern images we could use to convey the same truth to our friends?
How do we go about avoiding the horrible fate pending those who have misplaced faith?

Read verses 16 – 17.
Based on these verses, describe in your own words the person that John is hoping to arrive on the scene.
John is a fairly prominent and popular teacher, why does act like such a groupie towards someone he probably had never met in his adult life?
How does your attitude towards Jesus need to change based on what you see in this text?
In a practical way, how do people go about building humility into their lives?
What are some ways that Jesus has figuratively immersed you in fire during the course of your life?
What does the Holy Spirit desire to blast out of your life tonight? Are you willing to surrender to His revolution in your heart?