Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Fresh and Excitingly New Way of Living

A fresh and excitingly new way of living
Colossians 3: 12 – 17

What is your absolutely favorite song of all time and why do you like it so much?

Describe the virtues that God expects to be in our lives as a reflection of Jesus’ new life in us.

Why is it so vital that these kinds of things are reflected in our daily lives?

Why are these things so frequently absent from lives that claim to be devoted to Jesus?

Rate these virtues on a scale of 1 to 10. How likely are you to demonstrate each particular virtue in your everyday life?

What steps have you taken to allow these kinds of attitudes and behaviors to be reflected in your life?

What steps could you take this week to further allow these patterns of the new life to break through?

What would you look for in a person who could help to hold you accountable for growth in these areas?

How in the world is singing related to behavior that is being changed by Jesus’ message and teaching?

In what ways do you see the word of Jesus leaking out in your words and actions?

Why is important that we encourage one another in our spiritual journeys?

What is something that you could do this week to encourage another disciple in their walk?

Pull out the guitar and sing a couple of encouraging spiritual songs.

What percentage of your actions on a daily basis would you be comfortable to which to sign Jesus’ name?

Why does Paul use this as his summary statement for this ethical section of the letter?

How could you remind yourself during the day to run your actions and words through this filter?

Memorize verse 16 and meditate on it for one hour this week. Review the verses you have memorized previously.

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