Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Home Makeover: Spiritual Edition

The Parable of House Foundations

What is the most complicated home improvement project you have ever attempted?

Read Matthew 7: 24 -28
This story comes at the end of Jesus “Sermon on the Mount” where he defines the expectations he has for his disciples.What similarities are there between building a house and living life? Compare and contrast the wise man and the foolish man.
What does the rock symbolize in Jesus’ story? What does the sand symbolize in Jesus’ story?
Why would anyone be silly enough to build a house on a beach?
Why would anyone not take the time to ensure their house had a good foundation?
What are some times in your life that worldly values or spiritual laziness drew you away from what you knew God was calling you to do?
What are some of the storms that we face in our lives that test the depth of our faith?
How “weatherproof” have you found your life to be in the past?

How does obedience to Jesus’ teaching add stability to the lives of his disciples?
Pause and ask Jesus for the strength to choose to obey him.

How does a failure to obey Jesus set a disciple up for failure?
What teachings of Jesus do you find particularly difficult to obey?
How can you more easily surrender to Jesus’ demands on your life?

Read Luke 6:47-49
What are some different details in this version of Jesus’ story?
How does a relationship with Jesus act as a foundation in our lives?
Why would Jesus choose to use “well built” as a metaphor for a healthy spiritual life?
How have you seen Jesus build your life through obedience to his word?
What is Jesus’ perspective on his own teachings? What does this show us about Jesus?

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