Wednesday, November 29, 2006

What it Costs to Be a Jesus Follower Part 2

These are continuing discussion questions from our Wednesday night C3 Context Group. Please join in on the conversation through the comment capacity on this blog!

Why does Jesus state the seemingly ridiculous and impossible demands of verses 26 -27 when he has a large crowd that is coming after him? What does Jesus mean by hating those who are close to us? Who or what are some things in your life you tend to value more than the Kingdom?

What would it have meant to the first hearers to hear they should carry their cross? What does it really mean to follow Jesus? Why are we uncomfortable with the idea?

Compare the two little stories Jesus tells as examples in verses 28 – 32. How would each character feel at the end of their story? What would be some contemporary illustrations of the principle Jesus is teaching? What are the costs of being a disciple of Jesus? How do you “give up everything” to Jesus? What are some things that you need to surrender to him in order to better follow him?

How are these statements Jesus is making parallel to the earlier banquet story?

We know NaCl does not break down. Is Jesus a bad chemist, or how does salt degenerate? Compare and contrast a useful disciple and a non-useful disciple. How mixed is your time and priorities? How can you simplify your life to be more useful?

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