Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Making the Right Things Important

Luke 16: 1 - 15

What is the most difficult performance review you ever experienced at work or school?

Read verses 1 – 2. If you were the manager how would you be feeling after this meeting? What would you try to do in this situation? How should we react as disciples when things don’t turn out as we would want them to at work?

Read verses 3 – 7. Someone describe in detail the plan the manager comes up with. What are some terms that are used for this kind of plan in today’s world? What scenario could you imagine that would make his actions not dishonest or illegal? What are his motives for giving discounts to his master’s debtors?

Read verse 8. Why in the world would the master be happy with what the manager was doing? What layers of shrewdness exist in the actions of the manager?

Read verse 9. What is Jesus trying to illustrate with this story? What point is he trying to make using this shifty character as an illustration? What is Jesus not saying through this story? Is Jesus really encouraging us to use our money to buy friends? Why is Jesus encouraging people to invest in ways that improve relationships? What strategy could a person use to turn their worldly assets into eternal benefit? How is what Jesus is saying going to change how you allocate your financial resources?

Read verses 10 – 13. What does how we spend our money demonstrate about the quality of our discipleship? If Jesus were a financial advisor what would be his advice to the average investor? What do our financial habits reveal about us as persons? What needs to change in your priorities in order to better match the values Jesus is laying out in this text?

Read verses 14 – 15. What kind of compromises do you figure have gone on in the hearts of the religious leaders to create their sneering reaction towards Jesus’ perspective on money? What sneers do people today give towards Jesus’ perspective on money? What sneers do you find in your own heart towards Jesus’ perspective? What does Jesus’ answer reveal about his values? What are the things that are highly valued by men? What needs to change in your heart in order to value what Jesus values?

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