Wednesday, February 07, 2007

How to Communicate Well With God

Luke 18: 1 - 14

What is your favorite mode of communication and why?

Read verses 1 – 8.

In the first story how would you imagine it would feel to be the widow? What about her role would make her particularly vulnerable in her society? Why is the judge reluctant to give justice to the widow? Why does he finally come around to vindicate her?

What comparison is Jesus drawing between prayer and the pleas of this widow?

What does Jesus teach us about God through this discussion?

Why does this bring up the question of the existence faith in the end times for Jesus?

What are some kingdom things that you have added to your prayer list?

What is your percentage of Kingdom prayers to personal prayers?

What is the current state of your faith? How can we improve our faith?

How can we encourage one another to be praying for “God’s will to be done on earth…”?

Read verses 9 – 14.

Describe the attitude of the Pharisee as he prays. Why is he so confident?

Describe the prayer of the tax collector? Why is he so penitent?

What is it about the prayer of the tax collector that Jesus supports over the prayer of the Pharisee?

What are you proud of in your spiritual life?

When was the last time you cried out to God for mercy? What are some things in your life right now for which you need to experience mercy?

Obviously Jesus does not want us to increase our sin so we can have this kind of prayer life. How can we become more humble in our prayers?

What are some ways as a group we can encourage one another towards humble prayer?

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