Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jesus seriously messes up a funeral procession

Luke 7: 11 – 15

What is the least appropriate thing you have ever heard at a funeral?

Why might Luke make such a point of describing exactly where this event took place?
What might Jesus have been thinking about as he saw this woman walking by with her son?
How can we develop the kind of compassion in our lives that Jesus has?

What would you say differently in this situation to be compassionate and understanding?
Describe the process Jesus goes through in bringing this guy back to life.

Imagine you are one of the pall-bearers carrying this guy towards his tomb. What are you thinking when Jesus stops your procession by touching the coffin?
Why does Jesus decide to resuscitate this particular guy?

How would you be feeling as a pall-bearer after Jesus had brought this guy back to life?
What evidence does Luke provide that the guy actually came back to life?
What are some other biblical stories that this passage seems to parallel?

What does it show us about Jesus that he is actually able to accomplish this feat?
What is a situation that someone around you is facing that seems absolutely impossible?
How can we actually bring them into Jesus presence to experience the help only he can give?
What is a situation in your life that seems to be entirely past hope?
How would you respond differently to that situation if you could know certainly that Jesus was present with you?

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