Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Ridiculously inexpensive prescription medicine

Mark 7: 31 – 37

What is the most unusual medical procedure you have ever heard of or experienced?

Describe Jesus’ travel itinerary. Why would Jesus be spending so much time in predominantly Gentile areas?

What are some parts of the neighborhood or city that people often avoid?

How can you effectively minister in those places while maintaining safe and healthy boundaries?

Why might this crowd decide to escort this guy to Jesus for help?

What challenges would a man in this condition face in the culture of the ancient world?

How would you describe the process that Jesus uses to heal this man from his condition?

If you were this guy, how would you be feeling about Jesus giving you a wet-willie? Why does Jesus heal him like this?

What can you do to make your service towards others more relational and personal?

How would this guys’ life change based on the healing that Jesus brings him?

Why does Mark go into such great detail describing the miracle and the reaction to the miracle?

What is the general public reaction to Jesus’ miraculous act?

Why does Jesus insist that the crowd not inform the media about the miracle?

Why do they keep proclaiming this publicly in spite of the warning?

Why do we tend to keep what Jesus has done for us quiet even though we have been commanded to speak?

What has Jesus done in your life lately that should be broadcast?

What will you do this week to announce what Jesus has done for you?

What does Jesus’ accomplishment of this miracle show us about his character?

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