Saturday, May 03, 2008

Appreciated alternative medicine

Luke 17: 11 – 19

What is the most meaningful thank-you note you have sent or received?

Why do the authors of the gospels often go to great lengths to describe where Jesus is located geographically?

How would you imagine the relationships between the lepers being, inside of their little colony?

Why do these guys cry out so intensely to Jesus for assistance as he passes by?

Why does Jesus send them towards priests as a condition of their healing?

Describe what the Samaritan does to express his thankfulness to Jesus for being cleansed.

Why is Jesus so surprised about this guy’s returning to say thanks?

Why might only the Samaritan return to thank Jesus for the healing?

What does this demonstrate about the spiritual openness of Jesus’ own generation in Israel?

Why is it that those who are marginalized tend to be more open spiritually?

What is something for which you have forgotten to praise God in your life?

How are you going to express thanksgiving to Jesus for this work in your life this week?

Spend time actually writing thank you notes to Jesus for what he has done.

Take a few minutes to meditate on the phrase “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”

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