Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Standing on a Fault-line

Numbers 16

When is a time in your life that you got busted for something one of your friends did?
How would you describe the group of people who opposing Moses?
Restate their argument in your own words. Why are they so upset at Moses?

Describe Moses’ counter arguments to these groups.
What are Moses’ motives for being so melodramatic?
When is as time that you have resisted rightful authority in your life?
Why do we tend to be so distrustful of authority in our culture?
When is the appropriate time as a disciple to follow authority?
How can we become more open to the authentic authorities in our lives?

Describe the elaborate test that Moses sets up to establish who should have authority.
Why does God go along with this ritualistic test with such a brutal outcome?
How would you describe God’s general attitude in this passage?
Why is God so concerned about this threat to Moses’ authority?

Why does God have them recycle the metal from the ritual censers in verses 37 – 39?
In verses 41 – 42 the Israelite assembly reacts to this test. Why does God react to this assembly in a way that seems so rash?
What does this show us about popular opinion’s impact on our lives?
How easy is it for your friends to sway you from what you know is the right thing to do?
Why is it that we tend to pay so much attention to what “everyone” says about things?
When is a time recently that your peers have had a negative effect on your life?
How does a person combat the effects of peer pressure in their lives?

What does it mean to “make atonement” for people in this situation?
Describe how the priests go about mediating between God and the assembly.
Who is someone in your life for whom you should be interceding more in prayer?
How are you going to go about doing that this week?

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