Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ugh, it smells like something died in there!

John 11: 1 – 44

What is absolutely the worst smell that you have ever experienced?

Describe the relationship that Jesus has with this family from Bethany?

Why is Jesus so close to them? How can we have this kind of intimacy with Jesus?

What are the disciples’ concerns about their party headed back to Judea?

How does Jesus answer his disciple’s concerns? What does this attitude tell us about Jesus?

Why exactly does Jesus not go back and help out as soon as he is asked to by the family?

When are some times you have seen Jesus wait in his response to a pending issue in your life?

How would you describe the behavior of the disciples in this passage?

How can we make sure we are not as dense as they are in situations like this?

If you were Martha and Mary, what feelings would you be struggling with at this point?

Why does Martha run out to Jesus while Mary remains at home?

How does Jesus interact with Martha when she comes out to have her say?

Why does Jesus use this opportunity to start instructing Martha on the finer points of Christology?

Why does Jesus stay in the same place that Martha leaves him when she goes to get Mary?

Why does Martha tell Mary Jesus had called for her?

How would you rate the performance of the professional mourners in this story?

How would you describe Jesus’ interaction with Mary when she comes to meet him?

Why does this scenario move Jesus deeply enough that he begins to weep himself?

How does a person answer the question the Jews raise in verse 36?

What is the practical importance of the theology Jesus was teaching Martha earlier?

Picture yourself there at the moment the stone is being rolled back. What do you see, smell, hear, feel?

Why does Jesus pray this prayer to his Father at this crucial moment?

How would have you responded seeing Lazarus come out of the tomb like a mummy?

Based on what Jesus teaches them in this passage, how should we view funerals differently as disciples?

How could this passage be used to encourage someone who has experienced loss?

What should not be extrapolated from this passage and communicated to someone mourning?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jesus seriously messes up a funeral procession

Luke 7: 11 – 15

What is the least appropriate thing you have ever heard at a funeral?

Why might Luke make such a point of describing exactly where this event took place?
What might Jesus have been thinking about as he saw this woman walking by with her son?
How can we develop the kind of compassion in our lives that Jesus has?

What would you say differently in this situation to be compassionate and understanding?
Describe the process Jesus goes through in bringing this guy back to life.

Imagine you are one of the pall-bearers carrying this guy towards his tomb. What are you thinking when Jesus stops your procession by touching the coffin?
Why does Jesus decide to resuscitate this particular guy?

How would you be feeling as a pall-bearer after Jesus had brought this guy back to life?
What evidence does Luke provide that the guy actually came back to life?
What are some other biblical stories that this passage seems to parallel?

What does it show us about Jesus that he is actually able to accomplish this feat?
What is a situation that someone around you is facing that seems absolutely impossible?
How can we actually bring them into Jesus presence to experience the help only he can give?
What is a situation in your life that seems to be entirely past hope?
How would you respond differently to that situation if you could know certainly that Jesus was present with you?

The Ultimate Wakeup Call

Mark 5: 22 – 24, 35 – 42

When have you been most frantic to find help for a loved one?

Describe the feelings this synagogue rule must be experiencing to actually seek help from Jesus.
Why do you think that he goes to Jesus for help in this situation?
What is a situation in your life that desperately needs to be brought before Jesus tonight?
What does it say about Jesus’ confidence that he stops on the way to the house to help someone else?
Why is Jesus so confident in his ability to take care of this situation?
How can we gain this kind of holy confidence in our lives?

Describe the shift in emotions when the announcement comes from the house that the girl is dead.
How would you describe Jesus’ actions in the second half of this story?
Why does Jesus only allow three disciples and the mother and father in with him as witnesses?
What can you do to build the kind of relationship with Jesus that lets you see his wonders?
How would Jesus feel when the crowd at the house laughs at him for his misdiagnoses?

Why are they so harsh in the way that they treat Jesus in this setting?
Compare and contrast Jesus’ actions in the room with those of a paramedic.
Why does Mark record the actual words in Aramaic of what Jesus says in this setting?
Why does he make a point of telling us the age of the little girl?
What does it tell us about Jesus that he is able to bring this little girl back to life?

Once Upon a Time: the perfect beginning for the perfect hero

Matthew 1: 18 – 25

What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever had to tell someone you were dating?

Betrothal in the ancient world was much more serious than our modern “engagement,” none the less, imagine you were Joseph and heard this news about your fiancĂ©. How would you be feeling?
What do Joseph’s initial actions tell us about what kind of person he is?
How does Joseph in this passage exhibit the ideal of what it means to be a disciple?

What needs to change in your life to better match Joseph’s example of integrity?
What do we learn about who Jesus is from the message of the angel to Joseph?
Why does the angel mention how Jesus’ birth fulfills Scriptural prophecy?

Why is it necessary for an angelic announcement in order for Joseph to do what is right?
What does God have to do in your life in order to get your attention?
How can you become more open to the things that God is trying to communicate with you?
Why does the Joseph decide to obey what the angel tells him to do?
What kind of pressure might this situation have put on their relationship?
What do you figure would be the likelihood this pregnancy would be brought to term in our world?

Trace the emotions Mary would have gone through in this entire process.
Why does God select such a fragile situation for his Son to be brought into the world?
Why might it be important that Jesus was legally recognized as the son of Joseph?
How have you seen God use strange situations in your life to accomplish his purposes?
How do we make sure that when we know God is speaking to us that we are obedient to his will?

She is in need of some Jesus-sized health insurance

Mark 5: 24 – 29

What is the most frustrating experience you have ever had with a medical professional?

This story is couched inside another miracle story, what does this show us about the nature of Jesus’ healing ministry?
Describe the condition with which this woman has dealt.
What are some of the effects this sickness has had on her life?
How would this woman with her particular condition have felt in a large crowd of people?
What were her emotional status have been by the time she pursued healing?

Why does she seek out secret healing from Jesus rather than crying out for help?
What does it show us about her perspective on Jesus that she believes his cloak can help her condition?
Why is the touching of Jesus cloak effective in actually healing her?
Why does Jesus choose to stop and find out whom was healed by his power?
What does it say about the disciples’ perspective on Jesus that they don’t understand his question?
Why is the woman afraid when she describes what had happened to her?

Why does Jesus not reverse this healing once he discovers the truth of her superstitious use of his cloak?
How have you experienced Jesus’ compassion and mercy in your life?
What is an area in which you need to experience the peace that only Jesus offers?
How are you going to go about reaching out for Jesus’ power in your life this week?

How can you make sure in the midst of a busy life you have time to stop and help others?
Who is someone who needs your help who you need to give more attention to this week?