Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Dealing with Grievous Public Sin in the Church

1Corinthians Chapter 5

Describe Paul’s attitude towards this church at this point. Why is he so incredibly upset?
How would you describe the kind of sin for which Paul is insisting on banishment?
Why does Paul insist that this person be separated from the community?
If all sin is eternally serious before God, what makes one sin more “grievous?”
What are some serious sins in your life that you need help and accountability in overcoming?
What does this chapter tell us about how to go about helping those trapped in grievous sins?

Why does Paul use the leaven analogy? How is sin similar to yeast or to a virus?
Compare Jesus with the Passover sacrifice in Exodus chapter 12.
What is the reason it is so important for us to remove sin from our lives as Christians?
How can we more effectively remove sin from our lives?

Why does Paul have a different set of expectations for Christians and non-Christians?
What are some things for which you tend to judge the world around you?
What are some sins in the church that we tend to ignore or excuse?
Why is it OK to be judicious in the church based on Jesus says in Matthew 7:1?
Why is it so much easier for us to judge the world that for us to judge ourselves?

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