Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Stuff that doesn’t belong in a disciple’s life

1Corinthians Chapter 6

Why is corruption so loathed in public officials?
Why is doping so hated in sports celebrities?
Why is embezzlement so strictly punished for business moguls?

Read verses 1 – 8.
Describe Paul’s attitude towards Christians in Corinth who are getting all litigious.
Why is Paul so vehemently against suing other disciples?
When would be some examples that it would be appropriate for a Christian to go to court?
How should your attitude towards other disciples change based on the principles in this text?
Why is it so difficult to treat others the way we should?

Read verses 9 – 11.
Describe the other kinds of behavior that should not be character defining for a disciple.
What is it about these behaviors that demonstrate a lack of commitment to Kingdom values?
What does Paul’s list tell us about the church in Corinth?
How can we know that it is possible for Christians to have victory over these behaviors?
Which of these behaviors are most tempting to you?
What are you going to do to embrace victory in that area this week?

Read verses 12 – 20.
Based on Paul’s answers, reconstruct the questions the Corinthians must have been asking.
According to Paul, why is sexual immorality a sin that has particularly steep consequences?
What about our reality as disciples makes sexual sin incredibly nauseating to God?
What are some strategies you have found effective in running from immoral behavior?

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