Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Reason to hope in a broken world

2Corinthians Chapter 4: 1 – 17

When is a time that you faced a deep personal or professional discouragement?
What makes discouragement so difficult to deal with in life?

Based on verses 1 – 6 how would you describe in detail Paul’s methods of ministry?
Based on the context of this passage (i.e. chapter 3) why does Paul minister in that way?
How do you need to improve the ways you serve those in your life?

Compare and contrast the veil Paul is discussing in chapter 4 with what he described in chapter 3. Why does Paul take the time to discuss this veiling?
When have been some times in your life their has been a veil over your heart?
How did God go about enlightening you? When you recognize a veil in your life what should you do? How can you go about helping someone who is veiled from seeing the truth?

How does Paul describe God, Jesus, and the message of the gospel in this passage?
In what different ways are Paul and other Christian ministers similar to “jars of clay”?
Why does God entrust the distribution of his message to the world to people like us?
How should these verses change your perspective on what it means to be a minister?

How would you describe the physical realities of Paul’s ministry setting and situation?
What purpose does Paul recognize in the suffering that he is facing?
Why does Paul remain hopeful even in such challenging circumstances?
How does your daily service of others parallel Paul’s experience?
What can we do to allow more hope to be built into our lives?
How does a person go about gaining a more eternal perspective?

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