Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Delivering the Right Message

2Corinthians 5: 14 – 6:13

When is a time that you mistakenly sent an email or text message to the wrong person?

Based on this passage describe to me the basic message of the good news as portrayed by Paul as if I were a non-Christian to whom you were witnessing.

What makes the gospel truly good news for anyone who hears it?

In what ways is the reality of the gospel absolutely revolutionary in the life that anyone who accepts it?

Why does Paul choose to use the term “reconciliation” to describe what goes on between a new disciple and God at the moment of conversion?

Why is the reception of the gospel considered something that is so urgent?

Why is Paul repeating this message to a bunch of folks who are already supposed to be followers of Jesus?

How do you go about recognizing the power of the gospel in areas of your life yet unaffected?

How is it an honor for a person to be assigned to sharing the gospel with others?

Why does God entrust the spread of the gospel of Jesus to such bumbling fools like us?

To whom is God asking you to serve as his representative this week?

Who is going to pray for you and hold you accountable to actually share the gospel message with them?

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