Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Selecting an Appropriate Spiritual Trainer

2Corinthians 6: 14 – 7:1

Who was the absolutely worst instructor you ever have had in any training situation? What was it that terribly annoyed you about this person?

The yoking of oxen or donkeys was common in the ancient world in order to pull carts, plows, or accomplish other basic tasks that were too difficult for a single animal. What are some contemporary examples of such teamwork in the workplace?

Yoking was often used as an illustration for being joined together under the teaching of a rabbi or other spiritual leader (Matthew 11:29), or being driven by a strong ruler. What are some situations in today’s world that this kind of spiritual partnering occurs?

How does Paul describe the deep incongruity between believers and unbelievers in their spiritual perspectives?

Why does Paul use such vivid and harsh rhetorical questions to drive his point home?

Why does Paul quote so many passages from the Old Testament concerning God’s relationship with his people?

Describe the kind of relationship that God desires to have with those committed to him.

Why is it so problematic for a Christian to be involved in pagan or non-Christian spirituality?

What are some ways that non-Christian spirituality or idolatry creeps into our lives today?

Based on what Paul is saying in this passage, give a description of an ideal Christian life.

What are some things in your life that need to change in order to better match that ideal?

If we really are incapable of making these changes on our own as the Scripture insist what process do we need to go through in order to better comply with these standards?

How does a person go about being separate from the world yet engaged evangelistically?

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