Monday, June 30, 2008

Jesus is capable of rapid climate change

Luke 8: 22 – 25

Describe the most frightening storm you have experienced while traveling.

Based on the context of this passage, why are they heading across the lake at this point?

Imagine you are actually one of the disciples in the boat when the sea storm overtakes them. What do you see? What do you smell, what does your skin feel, what do you hear, what do you taste? What emotions are racing through your mind at this point?

What clues do we have in this story to understand exactly how difficult this particular storm actually was?

Precisely describe Jesus’ activities and demeanor as the storm is raging about the boat. Why in the world is he sleeping so comfortably as their world is falling apart?

What does it tell us about the disciples that they frantically wake Jesus in the middle of the storm?

What would you have said to Jesus at this point if you were trying to wake him up?

What would have happened to them if they had simply allowed Jesus to continue sleeping?

When is the last time you found yourself in a situation that was out of your control and Jesus seemed to be asleep?

What is the appropriate way for a disciple to respond in such a challenging situation?

What would be the overall atmosphere on the boat after the sky’s clear at Jesus’ command?

Why does Jesus reprimand them about their lack of faith in such an obviously challenging situation?

How can we go about building the kind of faith that Jesus expects out of his disciples in this story?

What does it demonstrate about Jesus that he can speak and the sea calms down?

Why does this miracle produce such a deep emotive response from the disciples?

What can you do to help your friends answer their questions about who Jesus really is?

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