Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Victory Before Fans & Detractors

Matthew 12: 22 - 37

Describe an experience at a sporting event where you inadvertently cheered for the wrong team.

Imagine you are the people bringing this seriously incapacitated man to Jesus.

What would you be thinking and feeling as you approached Jesus?

What is it about this specific healing event that made people wonder whether Jesus was the anointed?

How have you seen Jesus move and work in power over the past twelve months?

What is it that Jesus did in your life or the lives of those around you that made you consider following him?

Why in the world do the religious leaders suspect witchcraft as the source of Jesus’ power?

In verses 25 – 30 Jesus gives a very rich, yet complex argument against him tapping an evil power source.

What does this argument teach us about the realities of the spiritual realms?

Why does Jesus mention their people who are practicing exorcism?

What is the relationship between the Spirit of God and the kingdom of God?

In what way does victory over spiritual darkness herald the arrival of God’s reign?

What are some ways that we, as Jesus’ followers, can be involved in defeating spiritual evil?

Why does Jesus bring up the topic of blaspheming the Spirit at this point in the conversation?

What does it mean to actually speak against the Holy Spirit?

Why does Jesus consider misunderstanding his actual source of power to be such a serious offense?

In what way would such an action be impossible for which to receive forgiveness?

How have the religious leaders come dangerously close to this action in this very debate?

How can you be sure that you have not committed the unforgivable sin?Why does God take so seriously what we say with our mouths?

What is the relationship between what we speak verbally (or write) and what exists in our inner person?

Why are the words we speak such a powerful barometers of our spiritual status?

When are times in your life that you tend to speak “careless words” to other people?

What needs to change in the way that you speak to others in your family, at work, among friends?

What needs to change in your heart tonight? Are you willing to take that before Jesus?

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