Thursday, September 18, 2008

Urban Renewal

Genesis 19

What is your least favorite aspect of living in the city?

Based on the context of this passage what is the relationship between these angels and Abraham who is Lot’s uncle?

Imagine you are these angels walking into this city. What would be shocking about this place to ones accustomed to heaven?

Why are the angels insistent about wanting to stay in the city square?

What does it show us about Lot that he is so insistent about showing them hospitality?

In what ways can you show hospitality towards strangers while keeping safe boundaries?

How would you describe the behavior of the men of the city in verses 4 – 11?

What does it show us about humanity that these men are so vulgar?

What does it say about Lot that offers his daughters to the awful fate of being raped by the men of this city?

Describe the relationship between Lot and the men of the city.

Why do the angels allow Lot to go through this when they in the end escape miraculously?

How are you a positive influence in your neighborhood?

What can you do to build a better relationship with your neighbors?

Describe the dialogue between Lot and the angels in verses 12 – 22.

Why are the angels so frantic in their warnings to Lot and his family?

Why is Lot taking the time to negotiate a different destination?

What varieties of words are used in this passage to communicate the pending doom?

Why is it that God is going to destroy these particular cities?

What are some warnings that God may be trying to communicate to you?

How can we become more open to obeying God’s direction in our lives?

Describe the destruction of these two cities. Why are their consequences so violent?

What does it say about Lot’s wife’s heart that she looked back to the cities?

Why does God decide to spare Lot and his daughters from the disaster?

Who is someone close to you that you need to be interceding for their protection?

What is the plan that Lot’s daughters come up with to ensure a continuing of Lot’s line.

What are the many things about this plan that are ridiculously evil?

What does it show us about Lot that they are able to carry out this terrible plot?

How can we learn to be more patient in seeing God’s plan and purposes accomplished?

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